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The Healing Choice Guidebook
$12.99 $9.00
A True Compass to Guide You Beyond the Devastation of Broken Trustby Susan Allen & Brenda Stoeker Family & Relationships -...
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The Purity Sessions - Session 1: Is Sexual Purity Even Possible
From the moment my book Every Man’s Battle was released, men’s small groups became God’s spearhead on the front lines of this...
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The Purity Sessions - Session 2: Seeking Sexual Purity: Our First Sexual Vulnerability
This second session covers the first great vulnerability that drops a man so easily into sexual sin, the fact that...
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The Purity Sessions - Session 3: Seeking Sexual Purity: Our Second Sexual Vulnerability
This third session explores a man’s second vulnerability, or what I call his “stealth vulnerability.” A man’s sexuality is uniquely...
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The Purity Sessions - Session 4: Sexual Purity & Family Destiny
I wrap up the Purity Sessions by sharing the impact of my more than two decades of sexual purity upon...
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Win This War CD
This CD takes the Biblical truths from Fred Stoeker's book TACTICS and sets them to music. Created especially for young men,...
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