The Purity Sessions
From the moment my book Every Man’s Battle was released, men’s small groups became God’s spearhead on the front lines of this purity battle, enabling brothers to team up to run this gauntlet together, shoulder-to-shoulder and back-to-back. While I never personally had my own accountability partners or friends at my side during my own days on the battlefront, it soon became clear to me that small group community was the best place a man could engage this battle.
Until now, I’ve only been able to help small groups indirectly in book form, since I’m only one guy. With these DVD’s, I’ve just replicated myself thousands of times over and I can now be out there strengthening these small group communities and the men that live in them. I can also share current, critical information that never made it into Every Man’s Battle and Every Young Man’s Battle, information that can help you drive the final nail into impurity’s coffin.
Is it really possible to drive in that final nail on this side of heaven, and to live in total victory over sexual sin?
If you’re asking this question, you aren’t alone. Many Christian men wonder aloud if freedom is even possible for us. I answer with an emphatic yes during the first session of this four-disc series. Victory is not only possible but normal for you as a Christian man. It is your destiny as a son of God.
Whether or not you are part of a men’s group, you need to know these truths in the deepest reaches of your heart. Pick up a copy for yourself, or for your son, nephew, brother or friend, but get out on the front lines and make a difference out there for those who are wounded by sexual sin.
Fred Stoeker
Until now, I’ve only been able to help small groups indirectly in book form, since I’m only one guy. With these DVD’s, I’ve just replicated myself thousands of times over and I can now be out there strengthening these small group communities and the men that live in them. I can also share current, critical information that never made it into Every Man’s Battle and Every Young Man’s Battle, information that can help you drive the final nail into impurity’s coffin.
Is it really possible to drive in that final nail on this side of heaven, and to live in total victory over sexual sin?
If you’re asking this question, you aren’t alone. Many Christian men wonder aloud if freedom is even possible for us. I answer with an emphatic yes during the first session of this four-disc series. Victory is not only possible but normal for you as a Christian man. It is your destiny as a son of God.
Whether or not you are part of a men’s group, you need to know these truths in the deepest reaches of your heart. Pick up a copy for yourself, or for your son, nephew, brother or friend, but get out on the front lines and make a difference out there for those who are wounded by sexual sin.
Fred Stoeker