Hero: Becoming The Man She Desires

Hero: Becoming The Man She Desires



From best-selling author Fred Stoeker, along with his son Jasen, come the straightforward insights and real-life examples necessary to help you stay pure while dating. Dating brings its own unique pressures to a man’s sexual purity, and Jasen shares the strategies he used to maintain his own sexual purity from junior high through high school and college, all the way to the wedding altar. As a bonus, his wife, Rose, shares how much it means to a woman to date a man who heroically defends her honor, so this book is for you women, too.

Click on the links below to download the FREE leader and student guides available for Hero, the latest book by Fred Stoeker. This seven-week study can forever change the course of young men!


“Will the real men please stand up? These two brothers of mine, father and son, are standing up—in purity, courage and God-honoring strength. I am proud to know them! Read their story and be encouraged by encountering these modern day 'Heroes'."
Rebecca St. James, singer, songwriter, musician

“When Fred Stoeker broke the chain of sexual sin that was passed down from his own father, he set in place the first link in the chain of Godliness for his own family legacy. As you read Hero, you will see how the next link in the chain of Stoeker men, Jasen, has claimed moral purity as his own, and is now firmly entrenched in this new course. I know Fred personally. I know Jasen. And this story is real.

Hero offers hope to all who have been ensnared in sexual sin, that they, too, can break their own chains and establish new links of sexual purity in their own lives. Hero offers hope to all who long to avoid sexual sin while dating, who’re vigilant to guard their girlfriend’s heart. Hero offers hope to all of us as fathers and grandfathers, that we can not only be forgiven, but we can also set a high bar of honor for our children and grandchildren and speak truth boldly into their chests. Fred and Jasen are indeed heroes in our time. And through God’s grace, you can be too!"
Dr. Gary Rosberg, founder and CEO, America’s Family Coaches, author of Secrets to a Lasting Love, and co-founder with wife, Barb, of TheGreatMarriageExperience.com

Hero is my favorite of Fred Stoeker’s books by far, as it is a voice of truth in a culture filled with lies, and its keen biblical insights and practical applications are exactly what we need today. I can’t stop going through it again and again!

As a youth evangelist, I have read many books on dating, but Hero easily tops them all. It addresses the current cultural situation in a straight-forward manner with the appropriate tact, while at the same time it provides a trumpet call of hope. If you’re a pastor, youth director or student, I urge you to read Hero. Use the book in your private growth moments with God. Start small groups and build peer mentoring models around it. Teach it in your school assemblies and youth services. Hero is truly curriculum-worthy work.

Hero gives Fred Stoeker a strategic role in the Kingdom right now, and Jasen and Rose have extremely relevant voices today, both inside and outside the church walls! Fred and Jasen, thanks for being the kind of men many of us want to be. ”
Heath Adamson, youth evangelist, The Seven Project

Hero is not just another book about “dating” or "purity". As I finished Hero, I came to the realization that this book is truly a message from God's heart to ours, if we would only listen. I couldn't put it down. I was deeply challenged and inspired by Jasen’s words, but most importantly, I felt hopeful! I know now that my three boys don't have to follow in the footsteps of their earthly father, who has made some mistakes along the way. They can instead follow in those of their heavenly Father, who will direct them into freedom and holiness, and eventually into love in one of its purest forms…the love between a husband and a wife. 

Jasen walked this out practically in his life all the way to the altar, even in this sensual day, even when others didn’t understand, and that was nothing short of God’s blessing and honor upon an obedient heart. In the end, Hero points to our creator as the true Hero, and reminds us of the words Jesus spoke at the Sermon on the Mount. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God"! Hero gave me a genuine taste of the divine that rests in these words. You’ll get your own taste as you get into Hero, and I know you'll be changed forever.”
Michael O’Brien, former lead singer of Newsong

“God has sounded the battle cry for the hearts of men. Do you hear it? Somewhere within your heart it’s there, and it’s calling you to do hard things for him, for yourself, your wife, or your future wife. Will you continue to live a life of mediocrity and baseline expectations in your relationships, or will you experience the thrill and power of what it means to be a real man? She needs a hero. In Hero, Fred and Jasen challenge you to become the hero she needs you to be. ”
Matt Markins, director of the D6 Conference

“In a culture nearly devoid of genuine heroes, I’ve had the honor to witness a few. Fred and Jason Stoeker are such men. God has anointed Fred and Jason to train up men to be their woman’s hero, to win their hearts, to be kind in their godly acts of love, to use inviting, soft-spoken words like a song to his woman’s soul, igniting the passion they’ve both longed for. Every man walking planet earth needs to read and apply the biblical lessons in this book. The next generation needs to witness these godly fathers and husbands, these heroes in action. Become your wife’s hero, your child’s hero, God’s hero, and the world will become a better place.”
Clay Allen, pastor, president, and founder of AVENUE Resource and author of Operation Destiny

“Inspiring. Captivating. Thoroughly biblical. With a compelling sense of urgency, Fred and Jasen Stoeker cry out to the men and women of our generation and challenge them to joy-filled holiness. Fred and Jasen will get in your face, call you out of the ditches of compromise, and into a battle—a battle that will define the course of your life. Reading about Jasen and Rose’s dating and engagement gives practical, proven direction to couples while simultaneously equips parents to raise their kids in purity. May their God-centered romance play out again and again in the lives of those who hold this book in their hands and may He use it to purify His bride, the church, for His glory and our joy.”
Paul Sabino, family pastor, Cornerstone Church, Ames, Iowa

“I love Hero! As I began to read this thought-provoking book, tears filled my eyes and hope captivated my soul as a prevailing theme surfaced in my heart and mind—“what a man does in private, so his son will do publicly.”

This generation has been jolted and saturated with reality television—a generation now doing publicly what many of their parents only did privately for years. In a similar way, Hero delivers some jarring “reality reading,” but with a twist, as Fred’s private quest for purity has led to his son’s very public journey of heroism. 

This book provides living proof that whatever the enemy means for harm, God can turn around and use for good. Anyone reading through these pages will be thoroughly challenged to become a true hero to another who is really watching …Jesus Christ. .”
James A. Montera, president of Mercy Seat Ministries Midwest, Inc. and founder of Refuge School of Ministry


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